Thursday, December 15, 2011

Roomba 581 Reviews

If you are the kind of woman that is a stickler for clean rooms, a dust free living space and cannot bear to see dust in corners or under the beds and cupboards in your home, then you must be quite fed-up with the kind of cleaning you can achieve with your regular handheld vacuum cleaner. Besides, you have to do this yourself by pushing it all around the house and find the you are unable to do this under cupboards and beds without too much trouble. 

Also, you might have considered the amount of time you spend in doing this chore is way beyond what you can comfortably afford each day and that is why vacuuming is generally done once in a week or at best, once in three to four days.

The only solution available for this is the robotic vacuum cleaner or the Roomba. However, before going in for a robot to do your vacuuming chores for you, it is better to read a roomba review or better yet, a handful of roomba reviews to help you decide. There are a lot of online roomba reviews available for you to browse through and find out how the roomba 581 measures up to the task of cleaning a house for you.

Almost every roomba review speaks favorably for the efficient manner in which the robot vacuumer picks up sand, all types of hair and dust under cupboards, beds and couches and in fact, all kinds of dirt. However, you must make sure you don t leave any large materials like socks, rings, key chains, wires and such lying about the place as these could severely damage your robot. The roomba 581 in particular can be classified as an iRobot.

The roomba 581 iRobot is a sleek, black and circular shaped vacuum cleaning robot and is roughly the size of a Long Playing record disc and is about 3 inches tall. This robotic cleaner has a sensor on top along with a handle and buttons you can push to programme the device to clean. It has three sleek brushes that are able to dig out dust from corners, crevices and cracks and they cover each and every inch of floor space in the room in a systematic cleaning method. On impact with any object, the roomba 581 simply changes its direction and continues its cleaning operation. It can be set to start cleaning when everyone is out of the house so that it gets a free run of the house. It is even adept at climbing down staircases without falling off the step edges.

One can safely assume that the robotic vacuum is a dream comes true for every housewife.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Roomba robot vacuum cleaner - what does it do


Roomba robot vacuum cleaner  - what does it do

In order to clean the house totally and properly you will have to buy a vacuum cleaner as it is easier to sue a vacuum cleaner and also the place can be cleaned very well with the help of this equipment. But nowadays because of their busy schedule people keep delaying the cleaning of the house because they don’t have time to clean the hose during the week. On the weekends everyone is lazy to do the cleaning work because these are the only days that they get to rest. So people have to hire maids to get the house cleaned up so that they can relax. But hiring a maid is not cheap and instead of hiring a maid and spending extra money there you can use that money for something else. So how do you get the cleaning work done around the house? If you have the time then you should take a look at the roomba robot.

Roomba is a vacuum robot that works on its own. It will clean up your house along with the carpet and make sure that the house looks spic and span. And you will be able to get all this work done by sitting and relaxing. The roomba robot works on its own and cleans the entire place within some time. So all you have to do is turn it on and leave it to do its job. This vacuum cleaner can also go under the furniture, so your entire house will be cleaned and you won’t even have to do anything. This vacuum cleaner will do all the cleaning work for you. You can get your other work done side by side or you can just relax and watch some television while the vacuum cleaner is doing its job.

If you want to read roomba reviews then you should go online. By reading the roomba review you will get an idea about how the equipment works and whether buying it is a good idea or not. You will also get to know about the rates of the device. From what I have heard the roomba robot vacuum cleaner is not very expensive and is easily affordable. If it is still not being sold in the local home appliance store then don’t worry, all you have to do is go online and find a reliable websites that sells this. You may even be able to buy one at a cheaper rate.

Monday, October 31, 2011

Roomba The Latest New Device

There has been so much talk about the Roomba 581 among the women and those who are in the household cleaning section. Many women have given the roomba standout reviews. So I decided to take a look at the one my sister had. The roomba 581 is a vacuum cleaning machine that does the cleaning all by itself. It had an auto sensor for dirt and will instantly proceed to clean it. It is circular in shape thus enabling it to move better on the floor or carpet. The device has been made to clean the dirt of any type of floor. It has bristles that make sure all the dirt comes off the carpet. It uses the bristles for larger particles and the vacuum for the dust. It will go underneath the sofa and hard to reach areas and suck in all the dust bunnies that have been accumulated there. It uses one charge to clean four rooms, although this really depends on the area of the room. Once the charge gets low, it automatically males its way back to the charger so that it can be recharged. Extra batteries are available on request and have to be bought separately. The scheduling feature makes it easy to program the time for when the house should be cleaned. This feature is especially useful when the house gets dirty repeatedly.

One can even program it to clean a particular area as many times as wanted, given the battery is charged. The roomba will systematically clean the surface again and again till its sensor can no longer detect the dirt. It also has a cliff detecting feature which ensures it does not fall down the stairs. It scans the area thoroughly before approaching objects. Thus ensuring your furniture is not scuffed. It maintains a perimeter from the furniture to ensure no scuffing occurs.

The cleaning can be scheduled even when one is having a siesta. The device is quiet enough to not disturb even the lightest of sleepers, making it a big advantage in household having babies and toddlers. The roomba is light enough to be carried practically anywhere; like from the porch to the car, from the living room to the attic. Its multi flexibility helps in cleaning the dirt off the wooden floor as well as the carpet. Be sure to follow the manual to set it up and for further use. That brings my roomba review to an end, giving it three stars.